Fraser/Livingstone Architects is a practice founded in Edinburgh in 2019

We are generalists, grown from the roots of Malcolm Fraser Architects, working across a variety of sectors on projects throughout Scotland and beyond, putting people and their lived experience at the centre of our thinking and building.

Interior of family home at Princes Gate, looking through to balcony from stairwell. By Malcolm Fraser Architects

Light, connectivity and gathering

Simple, humane principles help guide us through the complexities of site and style, always respecting the integrity of the built and natural environment we build within.

Practice profile


There’s a sweet spot we aim for, where our modernist embrace of light, connectivity and gathering meets our concern for culture and heritage – dualchas is the guid Gaelic word – and the need to care for our planet’s resources.

We like to talk and engage, and architecture that is simple and joyful, that embraces place and community with homes, commercial projects and placemaking as pathways to civic regeneration.

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