Scottish Design Awards 2023 

Fraser/Livingstone Architects were presented the gold award for Residential Multi-Unit category at the Scottish Design Awards ceremony in Glasgow for Simon Square, our CLT tenement project in the heart of Edinburgh. 

The project echoes a traditional Scottish tenement, built in a contemporary way, out of healthy, carbon-locking solid structural timber with the form embracing light, view and openness.

Located on a tight site, in Edinburgh’s Southside, surrounded by a diversity of 19th century stone tenement, Simon Square contains 6 flats, two per floor with the upper extended up into a duplex with rooftop terrace. The form pulls itself up to its north boundary to create a shared entrance court to the south, protected from the street but enlivening it.

FLA Simon Square Interior 08 reduced

FLA thank the judges for their recognition of all the work that was put into this project and are honoured to be listed amongst so many exemplary projects across Scotland.

Read more on the Scottish Design Awards 2023.