F/LA continue to support the Wyndford Residents Union in their fight to stop their landlord, the powerful Wheatley Homes group, from wasting 600 social homes. The Residents recently won an important Judicial Review over the Council’s handling of the Wheatley Group’s proposals – see Inside Housing.
Current initiatives include:
The Exhibition 'Imagine Glasgow' at the New Glasgow Society, which will run between Tuesday October 31st and November 12th. The student-led exhibition features architectural and design projects that showcase bold and creative ideas for the future of the built environment of Glasgow.
The BE-ST Awards: are the Scottish Government’s built environment research/net-zero champions and the Wyndford Residents Union partnership with their pro-bono professional team was short-listed for the Collaborative Partnership Award for “organisations or companies who are working together collaboratively rather than competitively in order to accelerate the built environment’s journey to zero carbon”
Scottish Culture magazine The Drouth has republished the “In Praise of Sturdy Buildings” Report we led, with a new, spiky introduction.
Lobbying: Malcolm continues to lobby Ministers, including newly-powerful Green politicians and ambitious Opponents. They tell him the Wyndford is Wheatley’s project and nothing can be done; but in the real, corporate world Whoever Pays the Piper Calls the Tune. The project is cost-neutral to the Wheatley because the Scottish Government passes them the money – £56 million to demolish and rebuild. FLA believe that the least the Government can do is follow-through on the big “net-zero” and “retrofit” ambitions they so enthusiastically proclaim, instead of crumbling before Old-School Corporatism.