Edinburgh is a three-dimensional dynamo of a place, formed by time and violent geology, with its volcanic outcrops scoured by ice sheets and then built on, up, down, through and across with extraordinary vigour and to a set of enlightened and contrasting masterplans whose intellectual clarity and effectiveness still shine.
The culture and vigour of its people is intricately linked to this physical place and we, as representing the city’s architects, believe that a clear vision for the city of 2050 requires a new, enlightened masterplan that weaves together place, people and their lives – a new paradigm to deliver the “connected, inspired, fair and thriving city” that will suit the wellbeing (the health, wealth and happiness) of all future Edinburgh residents, as well as contributing to the enhancement of the local, national and global environment.
We set out, first, the 6 Outstanding Values we see as being constant, and positive, through the evolution of and changes to Edinburgh, and which need to be understood, respected and built-upon to secure its fruitful future development. Then we state the 10 key areas of “Steps to Edinburgh 2050” that we suggest will deliver the city we aspire to.

Malcolm Fraser ran a Workshop to gather fellow architects’ responses and set out this report, as sent to the Council.
- Edinburgh City Vision - full report (.pdf)
- Edinburgh City Vision - summary report (.pdf), by Leslie Howson, as published in Urban Realm.