Homes, Energy, Regeneration and Finance
There are a number of current Government-sponsored conversations ongoing where Malcolm has been presenting progressive development Models:
A Town Centre Homes and Business Model to occupy vacant ground and upper floors in our urban centres, presented to the Town Centre Living and Investment Roadshow run by Scotland’s Towns Partnership, Architecture&Design Scotland and the Scottish Futures Trust, on 15 February.
Evidence to the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly Committee on Rural Housing at the Parliament, on 19 February, including notes on tools for Land Assembly and opportunities for patient finance, relevant to the low risk and patient returns from social rental forms, and the need to unlock innovation within both Local Authorities and Development Trusts.

Other Conversations
- SEDA “Big Conversation” (Scottish Ecological Design Association)
- A series of discussions on “The Just Transition in the Built Environment & Construction”
- Consultation, via the Common Weal, on the Passivhaus Bill.
Malcolm is trying to suggest that these conversations should not just produce Roadshows and Reports – at which Scotland is “World-Class” - but workable and useful models for our abundant public built environment champions to promote.